The museum collection Sphragistics began to form in 1974 (Signet. Executive Body of Uzmensk church of Miory district, Vitebsk region. Belarus, 20th century). Allocated in a separate museum collection in December 2014. The collection includes signets and stamps. The most valuable museum objects in the museum’s collection are:
- Signet of Kvasovka parish of Grodno province. Vilnius (?), 19th century;
- Signet of Polotsk district doctor of Vitebsk province with the image of Pursuer. 19th century;
- Signet with text in Hebrew Shlyomo Zalman son of Rabbi Jacob from Grodno. Grodno, 18th century.
On 01.07.2024, the museum collection sphragistics consists of 50 main fund of museum items and 21 objects of scientific and auxiliary materials’ fund.